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Innovation Call Out to Startups and Innovators 

Calling out to all Innovators who want to Disrupt the future of Sustainable Materials:
Opportunities for funding and corporate partnerships 

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Arc Impact, More VC, InNegev, Quantum Hub, Q Fund, Kompas VC , J-Impact  The Israel Innovation Authority and Microsoft are leading an initiative to bring together key stakeholders to discover, convene, collaborate and empower innovation that will disrupt the future of sustainable materials.

The Problem

Production, use, and re-use of materials contribute to a significant amount of GHG emissions. Our reliance on carbon-intensive materials remains a significant challenge in the transition to a net zero economy.

Technologies that address the carbon intensity of today’s basic materials therefore must play a central role in order to achieve sustainability goals and address climate change. These materials have the potential to make civilization safer, healthier, less wasteful, and more sustainable, improving the quality of life for even more people.

Sustainable materials have the potential to and are transforming many industries including construction, industrial production, the automotive market, waste management, business innovation in upcycling and recycling technologies and many more aspects of our daily lives. It is imperative to design these materials early on in the development process to ensure that the focus is not only on performance and cost, but also considers the environmental impact of such solutions.

Parallel Lines

The Challenge 

 Arc Impact, More VC, InNegev, Quantum Hub, Q Fund, Kompas VC and J-Impact  are leading an initiative to bring together key stakeholders to discover, convene, collaborate and empower innovation that will disrupt the future of sustainable materials. The initiative will culminate in an ecosystem event that will bring all parties together on October 17 over the week of Planetech World.  Leading up to the event,  we will initiate an innovation call out to the Israeli Ecosystem to innovators who are tackling challenges in sustainable materials. 


 The Call Out

The Purpose 

  • Map existing innovations and solutions addressing different challenges of Sustainable Materials in Israel.

  • Generate a high-quality pool of 30-40 companies to present innovative ideas to a selected group of investors and corporations to demonstrate to them the opportunities that are already here.

  • Ignite a long term initiative to grow the ecosystem of innovative solutions and effective interventions and scale them.

  • Connect Corporates/Industry with innovative solutions to generate paid/unpaid pilots 

  • Help stimulate and catalyze funding into the future of sustainable materials 

Call for Applications Categories

We are looking to map innovation and solutions at diverse stages. As we understand that companies at different stage require different support, we designed 3 categories offering winning teams in each category a big step forward. These are Academic & Ideation, Pre-Pilot Product Ready, Pilot Phase and Revenue/Sales.​

Academia & Ideation
Pre-Pilot Phase
Pilot Phase
Revenue Generating  Phase
Light and Shadow


We are looking for solutions that change the way people PRODUCE, USE and REUSE materials. We seek teams that incorporate sustainability into the lifecycle of their materials, products and processes, with clear, defined goals to reduce carbon emissions throughout their value chain. We invite all startups, research departments, innovation teams, academic units, larger companies and corporations that are working on related solutions in this field to apply. This challenge will cover any technological based innovation to produce Cement, Concrete, Steel, Minerals, Batteries, Glass, Basic Chemicals,Plastics, or other materials (surprise us) in a more sustainable manner/ process as well as other more sustainable uses of materials thereby changing the future of: 


1. Production:

  • Material substitutions: How can we use biomass and other biomaterials to become useful materials? Can we replace burning fossil fuels or other polluting energy sources for production?

  • Innovative processes for novel material productions that aim to optimize energy and resources and also reduce GHG emissions.

  • Carbon utilization: Innovation that utilizes captured carbon as a stand-alone solution and process or through feedstock for materials (e.g. bio-oils, construction materials, chemicals//commodity chemicals, fuels, and polymeric materials)  

2. Use: 

  • Generation and use of novel materials with a net negative carbon impact compared to existing materials.

  • Supply Chain: Change how we use materials to reduce GHG emissions, reduce energy and water consumption. 

  • Carbon sequestration: By using this material we can sequestrate and permanently capture carbon.

3. Reuse:

  • Upcycling: Innovative end of life solutions including the design of materials and products that could be used to repair, repurposed and repurchased or disassembled.

  • Recycling: manufacturing processes and infrastructure that enable materials, components, products, by-products and waste to be recovered, recycled or regenerated in a circular system

  • End of Life: Innovative end of life solutions for Sustainable Materials and their relevant products.


Apply Now  

Applications open now until Sep 28

Ecosystem Event

Tuesday ​March 14


'Disrupting the Future of Sustainable Materials Event will bring together local and international investors, corporations, founders, academia and experts to accelerate and support the development of tech innovation in sustainable materials. 

The Event will include: 

1. Pitches from the finalists who applied to the Innovation for The Future of Sustainable Materials Call Out    

2. Panel discussions with investors, corporations and thought leaders about the innovation and implementation needed to move the needle forward in Sustainable Materials.

Redo- The Future of sustainable Material
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